Shortening of Time
There may be a time when you need to get married in a hurry, there are only 5 reasons when this can happen:
A prescribed authority may allow a couple to marry in Australia when a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) is lodged with an authorised celebrant with less than one month’s notice:
♥ Employment related or other travel commitments (evidence of the date on which the applicant was informed about this commitment as opposed to the date on which the commitment will commence will need to be provided);
♥ wedding or celebration arrangements, or religious considerations (receipts for payments or evidence of the date wedding invitations were sent will need to be produced);
♥ medical reasons (a letter from a medical practitioner will be required);
♥ legal proceedings; or
♥ an error in giving notice (on the part of the authorised celebrant, not the couple.)
If you fall into one of these categories and would like to discuss this further with me please note:
(i) the reason for seeking a shortening of time and it must fall within one of the categories described above before the application can be considered;
(ii) a prescribed authority has no discretion to grant a shortening of time outside the circumstances covered by these categories;
(iii) the granting of a shortening of time is not automatic; and
(iv) a prescribed authority may charge an application fee – You will need to check if a fee is charged when making an appointment.
♥ A list of the prescribed authority can be found here.
♥ There is a non-refundable payment of $100 for this, it will come off your balance of the ceremony.
If you fit into one of the above categories and would like to go ahead with booking me and getting permission to marry you will then need:
♥ To pay your fee to me
♥ Complete the Notice of Intent to Marry
♥ I will write a letter to state that you have completed the Notice of Intent to Marry and booked me for the required date if the wedding is authorised to proceed.
♥ To make an appointment with the prescibed authority and take along the Notice of Intent to Marry, my letter, any other documentary evidence with you to prove why you require a shortening of time (for example, medical certificates or a travel itinerary) and if necessary a Statutory Declaration.
Once approved, we can then arrange the wedding as per your plans.
Contact me to discuss this further if required.