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Celebrant to Bride


I'm engaged! A surprise proposal has me thinking about things differently and looking at the wedding preparations in a new way and seeing it from the couples side instead of just the Celebrants side. I want to share over the next 12 months while I prepare for my wedding, my thoughts, ideas and what I am up to while planning and also the ceremonies that I perform as well.

My proposal was a surprise and I still at times feel like I am dreaming, only a week ago yet so much has already happened and been planned, shows the type of person I am and how truly excited I am to be married to my wonderful fiancee - still can't believe I am a fiancee!!!!

I wanted to hold the proposal close, I wanted to stare at my fiancee and my gorgeous ring and enjoy everything that comes with that special moment that you share between the two of you. He proposed while sitting by the water at Port Arthur, enjoy the beautiful and calm, sunny winters day, a holiday for the two of us to enjoy time alone after everything that has been happening in the world. I couldn't ask for a better day, even if he did concern me by telling me he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore, before pulling out an absolutely stunning ring and saying that it's because he wants to marry me and be my husband.

I was then eager to tell our children, to call them and share the news that we would really blend our family into one and my children would really have a 'Bonus Dad'. Tears and excitement were heard as we shared with the rest of our families about this next step in our relationship and hearing their love, support and excitement as we spoke to each of them was great and all we could ask for.

Of course who can resist a Facebook post to share the news, I wanted to shout it from the roof tops and let everyone know that he has chosen me to spend his life with, I was on top of the world and still there today, I am sure my love for him has grown even more since becoming engaged (if that's even possible).

So where are we today only a little over a week later, apart from waiting on my ring to be resized I am busy planning away, doing those things that all brides do, looking at venues, dates, dresses, planning, planning and more planning.

For all my confirmed couples I have shared my own wedding planner, something that I have created and am using to put together my own wedding. I have also used the 'Easy Weddings' website to have a look at what is going on in the wedding industry and to give me ideas, and then of course Pinterest, where would I be without that to give me an overwhelming number of ideas.

If you are planning your wedding think about what you would like, look online at options, there are just so many ideas out there and only you as a couple will have any idea about what actually works for you. Remember that communication is the key, talk to each other, share but above all Listen! It's more than hearing what the other person is saying, it's actually taking in their words and coming to some kind of agreement about what you both want for this very special day in your lives.

Until next time, good luck with your planning and I hope you enjoy travelling on this journey with me.


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